1-player scenarios

Adventurer Scenario: Doomsday
Win condition: defeat the 2 northern lairs
Lose condition: draw 3 dark-cloud fate cards
As normal, except:
Place only the 2 northern lairs
Do not place the south quest
All other quests are face up
Place 3 face up goods cards instead of 5
Give yourself a 3 glory head-start
As normal, except:
Draw a fate card at the start of every 2nd turn

Use that re-roll!
In the doomsday scenario, you are racing against the fate deck. Use re-rolls for movement wisely, and treat fate spaces like hazards. You may have to fight a lair before you're comfortable with it. If you have drawn one or two dark fate cards, your best chances could hang on rushing lair fights, even if you may lose. There is a lot of risk management in this scenario, aligning with the resourcefulness theme of the Adventurer, and Glory's overall theme of judging the proper time for courage.
Like solitaire, you can't always win this mode. The fate deck may, alas, treat you unfairly. I personally don't win every game. If you add in the 'goblin ambush' fate card, your chances are even lower. Not only because goblins take your gear, but because 5 dark fate cards in the deck translate into a good chance of bad luck early on.
remove the following cards from each deck before play
Abilities Resolve
Battle Fairies
Fate Always more monsters to slay, goblin ambush, its good to be good, its good to share, nothing wrong with being the best, winning is hard, trade winds
Goods Empathy stone
Lairs Gold dragon
Quests hardship is everywhere
Impossible mode keep 'goblin ambush' in the fate date

Warlock Scenario: Year of the Dead
Win condition: defeat 2 southern lairs + castle
Lose condition: draw 3 dark-cloud fate cards
Lairs: Place the vampire on the castle with the crow, the poltergeist-naga on the SW lair,
and the poltergeist-demon on the SE lair.
Towns: North- undead quest and your token,; East/West- a facedown battle card and 2 coin,
South- 3 skeletons and 2 coin.
3 goods for purchase at each northern 'lair'
Give yourself 3 coin instead of 5
As normal, except:
Draw a fate card at the start of every 5th turn and every 5 glory you earn.
Special Rules
Regain health at northern 'lairs'
When you purchase goods, do not replenish them
The crow benefits the vampire
If you defeat the vampire, you acquire the crow
Once cleared, regain health at the castle
Gain the coins at towns after winning their battles
You face each skeleton in turn at the south town
Do not gain abilities for drawing fate cards

Save your resources...
In the year of the dead, circumspection and planning are key. Good thing you are a wise old warlock. Goods do not replenish, and lair cards are face-up, so you can see what you have to work with -and against- from turn 1. Think ahead and use your resources wisely. Your final battles will be very difficult, because the denizens of the southern lairs are possessed by poltergeists.
Don't expect to win every time you play - this 1-player scenario is deadly. Prepare as much as possible for your final battles and you will have a sporting chance to clear this scenario. Take heart if you defeat most of the lair monsters, if not all. Good luck!
remove the following cards from each deck before play
Abilities Resolve
Battle Fairies
Fate Always more monsters to slay, caravan guard, goblin ambush, its good to be good, its nice to share, new quest, nothing wrong with being the best, rumour has it, winning is hard, trade winds
Goods Empathy stone
Lairs Gold dragon
Quests hardship is everywhere
Impossible mode keep 'goblin ambush' in the fate date

Golem Scenario: Finding a Way
Win condition: defeat the Goblin King
Lose condition: draw the last battle card
Lairs: cover the SW lair with a coin and place the Goblin King beside it.
Towns: north- 'trouble free' quest, south- philosopher's muse quest.
Lost Roads: cover the NW and SE quadrants of the map as shown in the set-up image.
Fates: cover each visible fate space with a coin.
Heroes: place the Adventurer on the north town and the Warlock on the castle. You, the Golem, start on the NE liar.
Special Rules
When you purchase goods, do not replenish them.
You cannot land on the SW lair until you have collected all other coins on the map.
Draw a battle card each time you pass over a battle space. You must draw a battle card to enter a town. When you draw a goblin, instead of battling, put that goblin beside the SW lair.
"Lost roads' are end points that you can land on. If you do, roll on the 'lost roads' table.
Goblin King Battle Rules
Once you land on the SW lair, you must battle and cannot retreat.
Strike: roll for every goblin at the lair.
Power: if any goblin beats your strike roll, you lose health = the Goblin King's power. If your strike roll defeats all goblins, a goblin of your choice loses health = your power.
Past Heroes
If you visit the Adventurer you may use his special ability, once. After using it, you can re-gain the ability by visiting again.
If you have finished the 'philosopher's muse' quest in the south town, you may visit the Warlock to gain a single once- only use of his special ability.

many paths
There are different approaches available to securing victory for the golem. Landing on fates to collect coins can depend on good rolling, so it's reasonable to try 'lost roads' instead of rolling forever waiting on the right numbers. Then again- lost roads are rife with battles, so they may not be worth it if there are many coins (and therefore many 'good rolls') left on the map.
The Goblin King gets quite a bit more powerful as time moves forward- but so do you. Depending on the state of the game (goods, abilities, battle deck) you may want to risk going earlier or later. The fast approach has the virtue of facing less goblins in your last battle, but don't underestimate your need for resources.
Perhaps the golem wanders and wonders more than it concludes and decides- though it does conclude and decide. Perhaps that's the best way to play this scenario, too.
remove the following cards from each deck before play
Abilities Resolve
Battle Fairies, dragons
Fate Always more monsters to slay, caravan guard, goblin ambush, its good to be good, its nice to share, new quest, nothing wrong with being the best, rumour has it, winning is hard, trade winds
Goods Empathy stone
Lairs Gold dragon
Quests hardship is everywhere
Impossible mode remove skeletons from the battle deck

Knight Scenario: All Together
Win condition: defeat all 4 lairs
Lose condition: draw 3 dark-cloud fate cards
As normal, except:
Do not place north, east, or west quests
Draw 3 quest cards and choose one for the south town
Place characters as shown on the setup image
As normal, except:
Draw a fate card when you roll 1-3 for movement.
Past Heroes
Past heroes will help you after
a) you defeat one of the two closes lairs to them
b) visit them
Their helps are as follows:
Warlock (north town)- once, you may add +3 to any roll
Adventurer (east town)- Twice, you may re-roll anything
Golem (west town)- Thrice, add 1 to a strike roll after the first round of battle.

as victorious as can be
This one's hard. So hard, it's a good idea to see the goal as taking down as may lairs as you can- rather than expect to finish them all.
You have more resources, through past heroes, than any other 1P mode. But you have to down lairs to get them, and you have to finish all 4 lairs for the greatest possible victory.
This 1-player game is most like the first one. Once you draw a dark cloud fate card or two, it's time for 'no guts no glory' mode. With 4 lairs to down, there's going to be some risk, no question about it.
Good luck- and don't under estimate the help of the Adventurer, Golem, and Warlock!