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1-4 players

90 minutes

Win by earning 20 points of glory

(by helping townfolk and defeating evil)

The Map

Explore the kingdom over this old map. Visit towns and lairs around the edge of the board for secret information. Roll for your movement options each turn, push further by expending health, and choose between an average of 4 spaces to visit. Explore wisely!


Find secret quests and lairs around the edge of the board (take actual dry erase notes on them). Go back and forth from the central castle where you gear up and heal. And along the way, disabuse monsters from trolling the roads and sometimes find strange and fateful encounters that wise you up over time.

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The Setup

The full scale game requires 3.5 ft x 3.5 ft of table space, once you include characters. Goods for sale at the castle are above the board, ability, battle, and fate cards beside. Secret quest and lairs are laid under spaces around the edge of the map.

Your character

The character sheet becomes a play area unto itself. Take notes, track your glory, your health, and improve your capacities. You will get goods and ability cards, but you'll also do a lot with a simple dry erase marker.


Every 5 glory you draw 2 abilities, keep 1, and gain a coin. 5 fates earn you 1 random ability. Most quests reward you with 2 glory and 3 coin. 

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Where to go and what to do

Most of what you need to adventure is in the legend. 


Early in the game, you will pursue quests you find in towns. They will help you decide where to go and what to do. Later in the game, you will have to face more difficult challenges to continue earning glory.


Battles are the most complicated part of the game, and they are pretty simple. 


Decide whether to engage, roll against your enemy monster, the winner does damage to the loser, and you decide whether to engage another round or retreat.

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